For wholesale,we will offer discount or free shipping method which only takes short time to arrive.
If you are a retailer and wanna make your own business, we could send the goods to your customers directly and won't leave any information about us if you'd like to.
What should I do if I don't receive my item?
Please contact us first, we will track your item. If the parcel was lost because of some reason, we will think over to full refund or resend it for you. We are honest seller, so don't worry.
If the products have problems how to do it?
Please contact with us in time, we will solve it. Don't leave any bad review firstly, that can not solve any problem.
What should I do if the item I received is not what I ordered?
Please contact with us in time, we will solve it. Don't leave any bad review firstly, that can not solve any problem.
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